We went to the Crowne Plaza for our Personal Leadership and Dvelopement Workshop last week, and the workshop lasted three days. However, the scheduel was very tight so I did not get much time to enjoy the beautiful beach there. Fortunatley, our our classroom was located on the Bay View floor, which is the top floor of the hotel, so we could see the ocean through the windows the whole time.
Professor Newman divided us into five teams on the second day of the workshop, and all my teammates were native English speakers. So, it was very frustrating for me when we were preparing a presentation for our final class at the hotel because they spoke very fast. Therefore, I had to pay very close attention to what they were saying and asked many times if they could repeat what they said. They treated me as their baby sister, and let me do the easiest part of the presentation. I felt very sad and became very quiet as we finsished the presentation. I wanted to work with them as a team, even though I might be younger, and could not speak as good as english as they could. I was so bummed. However, on the otherside, I appreciated that they did not speak slow english just for me knowing I am Chinese, as I do not want to inconvenience them. I believe that we the International students must go through these kinds of trials before we really start to learn here in America. For this is the reason I have come to another county, to escape the familiar, and force the unfamiliar as to learn more than the average person could know. I can not complain, I spent a lot of time on the part of the presentation that was assigned to me, and I believe that i did a very good job. I am just happy I did not give up or have a bad attitude about the whole situation of being treated like a baby. The only way to combat my teamates preconceived idea anout me (being a baby) is to prove to them that I am qualified to do the same quality of work they do. So I am going to going out of my comfort zone, I will not complain, and am focusing on the things that I CAN do now!
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